It is usually insignificant.
The news bytes or world developments that incite new posts may have changed someone's world, brightened or destroyed someone's life, brought hope or despair to some group of people somewhere. But in the grand scheme of things, they are minutiae. They just happen to rub me the wrong way. My last post (for me it was like yesterday, sort of) was brought about by the pesky heirs to the MLK legacy. It was a relatively mundane happening, but for me it unearthed my deeper feelings about race and complacency and...well, you can read. It's right below this one. Today's post is not unlike that one. Today PETA has pissed me off.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has embarked upon another self-righteous crusade. The annoying band of animal rights activists is endeavoring to get people to stop referring to fish as "fish," and to call them..."sea kittens." Read the details of this buffoonery .
- They throw their weight around for naught. I am using the term "weight" here loosely, because I doubt all of the tofu and soybeans will really pack on the pounds. But what I mean is, these people are allowed to get away with anything in the name of animal rights. They are free to douse fur-wearers in flour and red paint with impunity. Animal exploitation is a no-no, but human exploitation? Suuuuuure!
- I eat meat. That's what these here molars are for. Yes, you could live an active and healthy lifestyle without meat or animal byproducts, but why should I have to?
- I support animal testing. And so should anyone who is, who knows, or who loves, a cancer survivor. That is all.
- I support Michael Vick. I'm glad this is a fledgling blog, to say the least. I really don't feel like handling an influx of hate mail right now (you're welcome to send it, though...all 2 of my readers). But yes, I support Michael Vick. I believe that he was made into a martyr for the animal rights cause and for what? Dogfighting kills 16,000 dogs every year. Michael Vick (allegedly) took part in the act, so he gets sent up to make $12.89 a year while the surviving dogs get their own wine and a National Geographic special? Drunk driving kills about 16,000 people each year. Paris Hilton was found guilty of taking part in that act, and she went to jail for thirty...whole...minutes.
- Asinine initiatives bother me. If you would like to forgo teaching your children the dangers of sex and drugs in favor of teaching them about "sea kittens"...remind me never to let my kids play with your kids. PETA sponsors initiatives like "Unchain a Dog Month." Really? I guess those of us who don't desire to be a human vector for the rabies virus are sooooo crazy.
I think what bothers me the most, though, is that PETA is a powerful lobbying machine. I disagree wholeheartedly with the way in which they do business. Nonetheless, they have clout in the media and on Capitol Hill to an extent. Thus, the moral (and there should always be one) to today's fable is that we (Penelope included) should be equally proactive for the things about which we are passionate. It doesn't make sense at all for children in this country and abroad to go hungry at night, as long as little bunny rabbits can play safely on grassy knolls. Over 900 people have lost their lives to date in the most recent Gaza conflict...but we're worried about sea kittens. Annually, 1.3 million women endure domestic violence. Celebrities like Mary J. Blige have founded organizations such as FFAWN to help uplift women...too bad PETA slams Mary J and friends because they occasionally wear fur.
Make your own priorities, and give them a voice. That is all.